Musculoskeletal Screening
Musculoskeletal screening is a proactive assessment tool in the workplace, primarily aimed at occupations with higher risk work tasks.
With an aging workforce combined with the cumulative effects of higher intensity work tasks, musculoskeletal injury can often be more prevalent and shouldn’t be ignored as it can lead to:
- Accidents and injury
- Sickness absence
- Lost time and reduced productivity
- Increased staff costs
- Poor employee performance
- Reduced morale and motivation
- Litigation
Our musculoskeletal screening service helps to counteract this problem. It involves a pre-screening questionnaire followed a detailed clinical examination. The examination considers factors such as posture, range of movement, flexibility, strength and function in conjunction with the individual’s medical history and their specific work tasks.
The outcome of the screening is that any musculoskeletal symptoms can be identified and whether there is a relationship to an individual’s working practice. Following which, appropriate action can be implemented to help remedy any symptoms as well as address any working practices. The principal benefit is to monitor these higher risk occupations before potential problems are allowed to develop.